Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Deutsch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Tage

Day 1

Embarkation before lunch, Visit the High Dam and Philae temple and Sail on the Nile to Nubian village and Natural Reserves, Dinner on board.

overnight in Aswan

Day 2

Early Sail to Kom Ombo, Breakfast on board.

Visit the double Temple of two gods Sobek and Haeroris in Kom Ombo, Sail to Edfu Lunch on board Visit Edfu Temple Sail to LuxorTea Time Dinner on board.

Overnight in Luxor

Day 3

Breakfast on board, Visit the West Bank in Luxor, Valley of the Kings, The temple of Queen Hatshepsut at El-Deir El-Bahari, and the Colossi of Memnon.Lunch on board Visit Karnak, Luxor Temples, and tourist market, Dinner on board.

Overnight in Luxor

Day 4

Breakfast on board and check out.


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