Tanzania Wildlife Safari

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 3200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche

A 5-day Tanzania safari package can offer a wonderful glimpse into the country's diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes. Here's a suggested itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival in Arusha

Arrive at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO).

Transfer to your hotel or lodge in Arusha.

Depending on your arrival time, you may have the option to explore Arusha or relax and prepare for your safari.

Day 2: Tarangire National Park

After breakfast, depart for Tarangire National Park, known for its large herds of elephants and iconic baobab trees.

Enjoy a full day of game drives, spotting wildlife such as lions, giraffes, zebras, and more.

Lunch will be provided either as a picnic in the park or at a lodge within the park.

In the late afternoon, drive to your accommodation near Tarangire for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Serengeti National Park

Depart after breakfast for the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania's most famous safari destination.

Enjoy a scenic drive through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, with the opportunity for game viewing along the way.

Arrive in the Serengeti and embark on an afternoon game drive in search of the park's abundant wildlife.

Dinner and overnight stay at a lodge or tented camp in the Serengeti.

Day 4: Serengeti National Park

Spend a full day exploring the vast plains of the Serengeti.

Embark on morning and afternoon game drives to maximize your chances of spotting the Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhinoceros), as well as cheetahs, wildebeests, zebras, and other wildlife.

Enjoy picnic lunches in the park or return to your accommodation for lunch and relaxation.

Dinner and another night at your lodge or tented camp in the Serengeti.

Day 5: Ngorongoro Crater - Departure

After breakfast, depart for the Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Africa's most iconic safari destinations.

Descend into the crater for a game drive, where you'll have the chance to see an incredible concentration of wildlife, including lions, elephants, rhinos, hippos, and more.

Enjoy a picnic lunch within the crater.

In the afternoon, ascend from the crater and drive back to Arusha.

Depending on your departure time, you may have some free time for shopping or sightseeing in Arusha before transferring to Kilimanjaro International Airport for your onward journey.

This itinerary provides a well-rounded safari experience, combining visits to three of Tanzania's most renowned national parks: Tarangire, Serengeti, and Ngorongoro Crater. It offers opportunities for game viewing, photography, and experiencing the breathtaking beauty of East Africa's wilderness.


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