On Safari in Arusha National Park .

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 12 Stunden

A day trip to Arusha National Park in Tanzania promises an exciting adventure filled with diverse wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and cultural experiences. Here's a suggested itinerary for a memorable day at Arusha National Park:


Early Departure: Start your day early to make the most of your time in the park. Depart from your accommodation in Arusha or nearby areas.

Arrival at Arusha National Park: Upon reaching the park entrance, you'll go through the necessary procedures such as paying entrance fees and meeting your guide.

Game Drive: Embark on a morning game drive through the park. Arusha National Park is known for its varied landscapes, including grasslands, montane forest, and the stunning Momella Lakes. Keep an eye out for wildlife such as giraffes, buffaloes, zebras, warthogs, and various antelope species.


Picnic Breakfast: Stop at a designated picnic area within the park to enjoy a delicious breakfast surrounded by nature. Your guide will ensure you're in a safe and scenic spot.

Walking Safari or Hiking: Arusha National Park offers the unique opportunity for walking safaris or hikes guided by armed rangers. This allows you to get closer to nature and observe the smaller details of the ecosystem. You might spot monkeys, colorful birds, and diverse plant life along the way.


Visit to Ngurdoto Crater: Take a drive to Ngurdoto Crater, a collapsed volcano within the park. The crater offers spectacular views and the chance to see animals such as elephants and baboons.

Cultural Interaction: Depending on available options, you might have the opportunity to visit a local Maasai village or interact with other indigenous communities near the park. This provides insight into their traditional way of life and cultural practices.


Lunch: Enjoy a packed lunch or head back to a designated picnic area or lodge for a hearty meal.

Afternoon Game Drive: Spend the late afternoon on another game drive, exploring different parts of the park and searching for any wildlife you might have missed earlier.

Departure: As the day comes to an end, depart from Arusha National Park and head back to your accommodation. Reflect on the day's adventures and the incredible wildlife and landscapes you encountered.

Remember to respect the park rules and regulations, follow your guide's instructions for safety, and take nothing but photographs, leaving only footprints behind. Additionally, be sure to carry essentials such as water, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a camera to capture the memories of your Arusha National Park day trip.


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