Asia Tour

Sprache Azerbaijani, Koreanisch, Türkisch
Kosten 55 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 8 Stunden

Foreign guests do not know the beauty of the Asian side

So I want to tour the Asian side with foreign guests.

first meet at 11 am in Eminönü

We will take a small bosphorus tour.

Arrival to Üsküdar.

We'il go to the Maiden's Tower.

Then we will go to Çamlıca hill and watch the whole Istanbul and the Bosphorus.

Then we will eat the famous Turkish food in the Ottoman style restaurant.

 then we will go to Çengelköye.

We will drink the famous handmade chocolate of Çengelköy.

Then we will eat the famous stuffed mussels.

For dinner, we will go to a nice restaurant close to Üsküdara Fethi Paşa Korosu.

Then we go to Üsküdar and finish our tour.


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