Adventure & Heritage

Sprache Englisch, malaiisch
Kosten 71 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

Meet up at the airport/hotel in the morning at 8am. Drive 45mins to the feet of the vulcano, take a short route for 2hours by 4WD jeep to see 3 different places, there are a museum ( to see the broken house, melted glasses, cow’s bones, etc ), Alien rock ( a huge stone from inside the vulcano, with naturally sad face shape on the stone ) and a bunker ( where 2 voulenteers dead inside it ). Continue drive for 1hour pass by the plantation of snake skin fruit to Borobudur Temple, as the biggest Buddhist Monument in the World among Muslim villages. Will explore the carving of the life jurney of Sidharta “ Buddha “ Gautama around the temple for 1,5hours. Drive back to airport/hotel.


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