TREK 3 DAY by camels

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
Kosten 500 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Take a three day adventure through the Moroccan Sahara. Camel trek across the dunes and vistas of the beautiful Sahara. Live nomad style in a wild-camp under the stars. Drop in on local nomads, picnic at a desert oasis as you trace the tracks of the ancient caravan routes...


M’hamid – Ras Nekhale – Dune Douib (5h 30min) Departure M’hamid morning around 9am with the dromedaries your guide and camel, the first step for lunch is in the shade of the palm. After lunch, you walk again about two hours to get to Elbour where you will camp and admire palm trees and tamarisk trees at sunset.


Dune Douib – Wad Naam – dune Bertham (5h) After a breakfast taken in the desert in the morning, get up camp and reload camels to attack another day .. You will walk at noon Wad Naam for the picnic and arrive at night to the bivouac near the dunes Erg Bertham. Again you climb the camp (the guide and the camel driver take care of everything) if you feel like getting a bit of a camel, you will enjoy the fact that they will be discharged just before the night


Bertham – Mezouaria – M’Hamid (4h On) We take the way back and we still walk about two hours to take lunch near the small dunes Mezouaria and quietly will go back to M’hamid to get to the fixed bivouac in the afternoon for a shower and rest well .. deserved evening meal, convivial evening and overnight in tents at the bivouac comfort.


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