Tour by 4×4 from marrakech to chigaga dunes "desert" chigaga

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
Kosten 350 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage


Day 1: Marrakesh – Agdez

Our guide will pick you up from your Marrakech hotel at 8 o’clock in the morning for departure to The High Atlas Mountains via the Tizi-n-Tichka pass at 2260m. We will leave the main road for a journey to the Kasbah at Telouat, which belonged to the Basha of Marrakech from the Glaoui family. It now stands in glorious ruins after the last Pasha fled. From there, we follow the Ounilla Valley to reach the historic Kasbah of Ait Ben Haddou, the most famous kasbah in Morocco and a UNESCO World Heritage site. We lunch at a restaurant along the newly asphalted connecting road. Afterward, we continue south to Agdez, where the Draa Valley begins, and lodge in a local kasbah for the night.

Day 2: Agdez – Erg Chegaga Dunes

After breakfast, you can explore the rest of the Kasbah before we take the ancient caravan road between the river and the mountains. We pass many villages and fields typical of life along the valley. We drive to M’hamid, known as the gateway to the desert, where Tips GBtop for lunch of traditional Tagines. The last stretch to Erg Chegaga is 60km of off-road driving into the famed Sahara Desert. When we arrive, a two-hour camel ride is scheduled into the dunes to watch the sunset. Experiencing the Erg Chergaga dunes is magical. You are far away from civilization and the silence and the expanse of the sand are overwhelming. Dinner and lodging are provided in nomadic tents under an expanse of stars.

Day 3: Erg Chegaga Dunes – Marrakesh

Our final day starts with an off-road drive through another 90km of the desert with varying scenery, including expansive mountains, Lake Iriki, and a visit to an area renowned for its ancient fossil beds. Here you’ll find extraordinary fossils from the Paleozoic Age, nearly 540 million years ago when Morocco was an ancient sea. Lunch will be in Foum Zguid, the first village after the desert, where you can also fresh-up with a shower. The return to Marrakesh is along a comfortable paved road passing the village of Taznakht, famous for its Berber carpets. Many tourists take advantage of and find a rug perfect for their home. At last, we pass back along the High Atlas Mountains and reach Marrakesh in the early evening.


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