yoga training workshop in one day

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 7 Stunden

we offer you a one-day training Yoga workshop with free handbook and yoga tutorial and training book


Join Liz for a one day workshop of yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. Come away feeling positive, deeply relaxed and ready for the week ahead. This workshop is suitable for all levels. Includes gate entry and a healthy lunch option.

This one-day yoga retreat is €80 per person.

Your Teacher Salar

I have always loved movement.

I initially qualified as a personal trainer & in mat work Pilates. Movement as a way of creating body awareness & well-being has always been central to my work. I am drawn to teach & train in areas that help me & others feel good.

Through my studies in Hatha based yoga (200hr) with Grainne Tohar in yoga center international India, I fell in love with yoga. I then continued on to advanced teacher training (300ohr) with Tehran international Yoga School. Further training in Yin yoga (40hr) & Meditation teacher training (90hr) with Ashling Hughes has added breadth to my teaching. Certification in Rainbow yoga has allowed me to work with families and children, so much fun! This brought me to study yoga for children with additional needs with Jyoti Jo Manuel, which is always so rewarding.

A desire to expand my knowledge in body energy led me to a level 8 reiki practitioner certification, always in gratitude to my reiki master Hazel Kanes. Through continual learning, we have moments of great growth & connecting.

I hope to connect, teach and be taught by as many people as I can. I have a lot of love and energy to share.




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