urimia lake

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Here is Urimia lake in north west of iran it's water is very salty that make it as a biggest salty lake in middle east and 6th big salty lake in the world during last 10 years it was beginning to dry be becouse of daecrese in rainfal and incoming rivers water to it and it mad all of cities around it worry seriecly becouse scientists are bleave that if it dry it salt will spread to all of these cities for som hundreds kilometer atound and will make so many breathing disease for human and may be they have to leave their city Fortunitly during 2 last years beacouse of good raining and government program for surviving it its watet are being more and better. but some people are bleaved that the mud of this lake is very usful for body and skin and heal skin disease so they cover their body with this mud and aftet some times wash it this is the couse of this photo

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