Masai Mara tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 320 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

3 days tour to the famous kenyan attractive Mara reserve home of the great wildebeests ,full of wildlife diversity flora and fauna.

the itinerary will be as follows

Day one

pick up at the hotel or airport , drive to mara national reserve Narok county.check in at Kws bandas geust house which is located within the conservancy, Afternoon game drive.



Day two

Fullday exploitation

Eary morning game drive then come back for breakfast.later we will depart again with our packed lunch to search for known big five ,the elephant,lions,rhinos, buffaloes and leopards amongst other animals like girrafes


breakfast, lunch and dinner

Day three


we follow the route of second day this time moving to do game drive to cover other areas of interest like visiting Mara river to see crossing of wild animals to Serengeti park in Tanzania.

later we will come back for dinner and overnight next day we sign out the park and be dropped at the stated or wished place,either the hotel place or airport.


.full board accommodation

.park fees

. transportation in a safari tour vehicle

. guiding fees


. personal expenses

.masai village visit expenses


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