Old City Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 125 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

Our tour will start around 09:00 And our First stop will be Hippodrome of Constantinople which was the sports and social center of the old city. Discover major works of art including the Obelisk from Egypt, the Serpentine Column from Delphi, and the fountain of Willhelm II, constructed by the Germans. From there, continue to the Blue Mosque, whose six minarets are a key fixture of Istanbul’s skyline.

Next, head for the Topkapi Palace, which was home to the Ottoman emperors between the 15th and 19th centuries. Marvel at the jewel-stuffed treasury and priceless displays of Oriental porcelain. Move on to the Hagia Sophia Mosque. Behold the dome and stunning Byzantine mosaics of this architectural gem as your guide recounts its turbulent history.

On the way of the Grand Bazaar we will stop a leather shop and enjoy with fashion show .

Then visit the Grand Bazaar with over 3,000 shops selling everything from carpets to jewelry to ceramics and Gold I will show to you all special store

Size of group can be 1 up to 15.

Tour Duration : 6 hours

Meeting Point : Sultan 3.Ahmed Çeşmesi Topkapı

Include: Only guiding fee per group

Exclude: Transportation,tickets,lunch,tips


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