Private expedition to the essence of Seville, culture and art at the level of the stars¡

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 275 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Our proposal in this tour is to discover 2 of the most important World heritage places by unesco in Seville, places that are unique and than you can not miss once you are here.And we would like to do it smoothly, avoiding long lines, like in a space mission.

In this tour I will make you discover Alcazar the planet of the King, the oldest Royal Palace still in use and the jewel in the crown of the fusion between muslims,christians and jewish that once happened here at the south of Spain.Because here, in my city, everything is coming for a mixture, that's make us so unique and pure.

After that we will discover another completely different planet, God bless us, The Cathedral of Seville, the biggest Gothic Temple in the world and representation of the richness and the devotion of Seville at the Glory Times of Spain, when we rule in a domain where the sun never set.We will reach the tower of Giralda, the old minaret, where you will get shock of the beauty of Seville form above, because God make Seville to be enjoyed from any perspective.

And the mission doesn't end, we will discover the jewish quarter, the 5 pics stars of our city, the most picturesque neighborhood of all in Seville. It looks like a medina, is a laberint , is exotic, and we will navigate our rocket through the most astonishing spots, full of history and legends.

After that, to finish, we will go to our the second moon of Seville, Plaza España, a representation of our nation behind the building, and one of the scenery of our StarWars. We will finish here because our fuel is probably running out, it is time to eat.I will provide to my crew any kind of recommendation that you want, tapas places , flamenco or any activities that you want to experience in my universe, Seville.


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