Batu Caves(1-4paxs)-From Kuala Lumpur

Sprache Englisch, Indonesisch, malaiisch
Kosten 160 MYR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

Batu Caves is a limestone cave temple, the most popular Hindu shrines outside India..We will going to Batu Caves by car..The fare of the trip;RM160 per car and it's included fuel&toll;excluded parking charges and entrance ticket to any sights..The capacity of the trip from 1-4person..The duration of the trip ; 10 hours from 9AM to 7PM..If We still have a time after explore Batu Caves,We can go to Muzium Orang Asli Gombak;museum about indegenous people in Malaysia..


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