Ubud the healer of Bali

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, japanisch, Koreanisch, Russisch
Kosten 90 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

Bali Ubud Tours is the greatest Bali Full Day Tour Package and one of the most popular Bali Day Tours in the Bali Islands for a Full Day Journey to Visit Tourist Destinations and other Interesting Places in Ubud Village, the heart of Bali's art and culture

Itinerary :

Meeting Point

At your hotel

08:40 AM

your accommodation

Pick up meet and greet

09:30 AM

Barong dance performance

The voyage will begin with a performance of Barong dance, a traditional Balinese art that has been designated as an intangible world cultural asset by UNESCO.

10:40 AM

Celuk Village

gold and silver smith jewelries production

11:30 AM

Monkey Forest

Proceed to the monkey forest (Ubud Monkey Forest), where you may hang out with hundreds of monkeys while taking in the spiritual aura of the temples in the Ubud Monkey Forest area.

From the monkey jungle, the tour continues to Puri Ubud (Ubud palace), which was once the capital of the Ubud monarchy.

01:00 PM

Ubud Palace

The Ubud Palace, officially Puri Saren Agung, is a historical building complex situated in Ubud, Gianyar Regency of Bali, Indonesia. The palace was the official residence of the royal family of Ubud.

01:30 PM

Having Lunch

Enjoy an authentic recipe of Ubud in green scenery

03:00 PM

Tegalalang rice terrace

Scenic, terraced hillside offering rice paddies amid lush greenery, plus zip lines & jungle swings.

05:00 PM

Fine art gallery

As the day draws to a close, you will be welcomed to visit a gallery where Bali's master artists create marvels in the form of paintings, carvings, sculptures, and other fine arts before returning to your accommodation.

06:00 PM

End of the tour

Hotel drop off

Ending Point

At your hotel


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