Uluwatu the edge of Bali

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, japanisch, Koreanisch, Russisch
Kosten 75 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

A breathtaking view, spectacular landmark and magnificent performance.

The Uluwatu Temple Sunset Excursion with Kecak Dance and Candlelight Dinner is Bali's most popular half-day tour, which takes you to the spectacular Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple.


Meeting Point

At your hotel

01:00 PM

Hotel pick up, Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park

The Tour is started by visiting Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park, a cultural park with various attraction about Balinese culture. Watching the most iconic human-made landmark in southern of Bali, Garuda Wisnu Kencana. A masterpiece of Visnu God rides Garuda ( Mythological giant Bird ) statue, which is the largest and tallest in Indonesia and 4th in the wolrd.

03:00 PM

Padang - Padang Beach

After admiring a human-made amazing masterpiece, we will continue our journey by enjoying the hidden beautiful beach of Padang – padang.

featuring an exotic setting; a simply stunning one hundred meter-long stretch of sand that is accessible down a flight of stairs through a unique hollow rock entrance makes it hidden from the main road.

05:00 PM

Uluwatu Temple

Then will head to the main destination for spend our day with an historical & spiritual site, amazing view, and spectacular performance, Uluwatu temple.

The temple, which is built on top of a rocky cliff about 70 meters above sea level and offers direct views of the gorgeous Indian Ocean, is one of the best sites on the island to go for sunset delights.

06:00 PM

Watching Kecak Dance

Aside from the breathtaking vistas, you'll have the chance to see a captivating Kecak dance performance at Uluwatu Temple, with a sparkling Indian Ocean sunset as your backdrop.

07:30 PM

Having candlelite Dinner at Jimbaran

Also, enjoy a wonderful candlelight meal at Jimbaran Bay with a variety of fresh seafood, including prawns, clams, and grilled fish, as well as vegetable soup and dessert.

09:00 PM

End of the tour

Hotel drop off

Ending Point

At your hotel


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