Best of Seville by van and Flamenco show

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

This tours is adequate for the first day of your stay in Seville.

You are going to visit the highlight of this beautiful city and enjoy the best flamenco of the city. It is a birthplace of flamenco.

Since Seville has hosted Jewish, Moorish, gypsy and sub-Saharan as slave community, it has displayed a deep flamenco tradition.

This is the home of many beautiful sites, of all kind which we are going to see!

We will spot Golden Tower, San Telmo Palace, Triana quarter, the old Fabrica de Tabaco and the bullring, Maestranza, the Macarena Gate, Pavilion of the Iberoamerican exposition 1929.

We will have a chill-out scroll in the unavoidable Plaza de España, the most impressive for its sheer scale and grandeur.

For the Flamenco show, you have two options:

- Flamenco show + high-quality dinner.

- Flamenco show only. It is located in the heart of the Santa Cruz neighbourhood.

Both of them collect the most prestigious dancers, guitarists, singers, and clappers.


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