NAVRUZ HOLIDAY IN DUSHANBE from 20.03 to 22.03

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 310 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

The Tajik people celebrate Navruz holiday from ancient times. This is one of the oldest holiday of Tajik nation. Navruz holiday's history reach to Peshdodiyon period. Peshdodiyon was the past generation of current Tajikis. According to the sciences reports this Nature Holiday celebrated the first time by one of the Peshdodi king-Jamshed.

The traditions of this holiday is very interesting and for the benifit of people.

The people come togather and make peace and freendship. They respect to human, to nature, to freedom and peace.

Nowruz means is the "New Day" of the New Year. When the days and the nights became equal, Navruz holiday comes.

So this is the Holiday of Life, the holiday of aliving everything.

The General Assembly of UN in the sixty-fourth session adopted the Resolution on International Day of Nowruz and declared the 21 March as the International Day of Nowruz.

Nowadays this holiday celebrates as the International holiday by more than 12 countries of the world. But the best celabration of Navruz take place in Dushanbe city, in the capital of Sunny Tajikistan.

I invite you and all the foreign tourists to celabrate International Navruz Holiday in the motherland of Navruz.

You can see the best traditions of this holiday which remain in Tajikistan.

Navruz Muborak! Happy Navruz!


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