2days gorilla trekking Bwindi

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Stunden

Gorilla trekking in Uganda is done either in Bwindi impenetrable national park or Mgahinga gorilla national park.12 groups are habituated and avisited daily so used to people whereas there is one group in Rushaga that is on habituation process which means it is available for guests looking for gorilla experience(habituation) which take 4hours of encounter and 1 hour for those trekking the already habituated groups.Gorilla trekking is the most niche of Uganda’s tourism because mostly 90%of tourists entering Uganda are doing gorilla trekking among other activities.The two days package is designed for guests who have fixed schedules but so curious to take over this unforgettable experience.

Day1:Pickup from kampala/entebbe/kigali and transfer to Bwwindi

Meet our representative assuming from kampala or Entebbe,greet and transfer to Bwindi via kampala -masaka-mbarara-kabale road.enroute kayabwe for equator experience and Mbarara for lunch

The route is gifted with greenery views,rolling plateaus that are mesmerizing ,Reach at your lodge late evening check in, have dinner and overnight stay.

Accommodation :According to your budget

Meals:Not coated.

Day2: gorilla trekking and transfer back to Kampala or Entebbe/Kigali

Early morning after breakfast,transfer to UWA offices in Bwindi for today's highlight.

The activity starts with a briefing by UWA representative with brief history of the park and activities they offer,later he gives directives on conduct,how to behave in the forest and when you encounter gorillas .You will be handed over to Uwa guide whom you will follow step by step upto where the group your allocated to with other tourists is spoted.you will spend 1 hour of experience ,your allowed to take photos with camera flash off.After successful trekking you will be awarded a certificate that will be your souvenir back home.With your driver return back to kampala/entebbe or Kigali following your flight ticket.


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