i day white water rafting adventure

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 400 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Pick up from kampala,meet our representative ,greet and start the journey.Imagine

how do you fancy climbing into an inflatable raft and heading through the fast waters? If you’ve never experienced the thrill of white water rafting, you should do it .Our well planned short and long white water rafting tours are memorable for adventure seekers of every level. Make it the most thrilling trip by choosing us to take you to rafting.

Enjoy a full day raft, giant water slide, floating platform and riverboard combination, the most popular white water trip on the Nile All this in the same package.

Coast includes.


Full time drinking water

Activity fee


Driver allowance

Coast excludes

Extra activities

Extra drinks and alcoholic beverages

Extra days

Extra meals


Flight ticket


Free photographs

Rafting whole day

Meeting other adventures

Duration: 20 km

4 - 5 hours on the river

Dress: Light clothing, shorts & t-shirt are ideal.

Lots of suntan lotion & a cap.

Fitness Level:

16 years minimum.

Under 18’s – guardian conditions apply.

No rafting or swimming experience necessary, however clients should be water confident and reasonably fit.


Towel & a change of clothes for the end of the day.

Any medication you require.

Money for any optional extras.


Start your day with a 40 meter giant water slide into the Nile

Raft all the major rapids of the Nile

PLUS surf Superhole on riverboards

Enjoy a delicious lunch on our double deck floating platform

Jump or dive from the top of our floating platform in the middle of the Nile.


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