5days gorilla trekking Westen Uganda

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1800 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Tage

Day1:Pick up from kampala, Chimpanzee trekking and Equator experiments, then transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park

At 5:30am your driver guide will pick you up and head to western countryside via kampala,masaka road.along the way is Kayabwe where Equator experiments are physically done stop and have a minute of photography and again continue your journey.Enroute stopover in mbarara the land of milk and cattle for lunch,but before mbarara you will see a number of different vegetation along the way hopefully different from your country,rolling hills and people.After lunch you will be driven to kalinzu forest famous for chimpanzee trekking with about 300 chimpanzees here and also a home to several bird species with over 378 bird species that will elevate your birding experience to a whole new level, 6 different primates, 97 moths, reptiles, the flowers in the field will treat your modes right, 262 butterfly species will bring smiles on your face when you look at them, flying under the thick tree canopies in different colors. To spice up your nature walks, there are several other primates include the baboons, monkeys; blue monkeys, the black and white monkey, L’Hoest’s, the red-tailed colobus monkeys, and the black billed turacos among others apart from the chimpanzees.Remember this activity takes 2 to 3 hours so you need to be fit.

Its from here that your driver will now take you to Queen Elizabeth National Park in less than one hour as you check in to your lodge for dinner and overnight.

Expectations :You will see various species of animals,birds and tree species in kalinzu,different crater lakes in Bunyarugulu.

Accommodation :kazinga dinners

Meal plan :Fulloard.

Day2. Game drive in the morning and evening boat trip.

A 1978km2,crossing the Equator at 00 degrees founded in 1952 as kazinga National Park later after two year to Queen Elizabeth National Park After the visit by her Majesty the Queen of Britain.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is considered to be one of Uganda’s most varied and most beautiful protected areas. Queen, as she is affectionately known, is home to two of Africa’s big cats, the majestic lion and the elusive leopard. You can explore the plains of Queen Elizabeth Park in Uganda on a variety of game drives, usually at dawn and dusk. It is when daylight hours are coolest that wildlife is most active.the kasenyi plains is the best part of the park to do game drive ,it’s in this area that mating kobs,lions chasing the play,elephants,warthogs,bufalos,and more.From this activity you will go for lunch at your lodge and by 2pm you will be at mweya for boat cruise that takes to hours at kazinga channel,wide, 32-kilometre long natural channel that links Lake Edward and Lake George, and a dominant feature of the Park. The channel attracts a varied range of animals and birds, with one of the world's largest concentration of hippos and numerous Nile crocodiles. After this activity you will be taken back to your lodge for dinner and overnight.

Expectations :on game drive you will see lions,elephants,buffalos,Uganda kobs,warthog,and more

On a boat cruise you will see nile crocodiles,school of hippos,different bird species.

Accommodation :kazinga dinners

Meal plan: Full Board

Day 3: Transfer to Kabale, evening canoeing at lake Bunyonyi

After breakfast again with your driver,transfer to kabale via ishaka bushenyi.Enroute Kitagata hot spring where you will be surprised seeing naked people on rocks enjoying the gift of nature warmth from water there is a nice view as its sitting in a valley surrounded by plantations,vegetations and green hills.You will continue to kabale from here via Kagamba,Ntungamo up to kabale town where you will stop for lunch (buffet) and later make an early check in at your lodge.After this your driver will take you to lake bunyonyi for canoeing/boat trip.From your lodge it’s an 8km distance.Lake Bunyonyi is a 29 island dotted lavadamed lake in south western Uganda with fresh waters free from Blihazier and second deepest in East Africa,close to Rwanda border shared by kabale kisoro and Rubanda districts with a width of 7km and 25km long.Come back for dinner and overnight stay at your lodge in kabale town.

Expectations.kitagata hot spring,lake bunyonyi canoeing,photography scenery,taste of local food.

Accommodation :riverside resort hotel kabale

Meal plan: Full board

Day4:Nyakagezi group Mgahinga gorilla trek

After an early breakfast ,you will be transferred to kisoro for mgahinga gorilla tracking

Muhabura camp where trekking starts from mostly.Uganda Wildlife guide will give a briefing the park,gorilla behavior,how to behave on the encounter with these apes,and then proceed,enter the jungle for days’ experience.The fur of the mountain gorilla, often thicker and longer than that of other gorilla species, enables them to live in colder temperatures.Gorillas can be identified by nose prints unique to each individual.Males, at a mean weight of 195 kg and upright standing height of 150 cm, usually weigh twice as much as the females, at a mean of 100 kg and a height of 130 cm (51 in).This subspecies is smaller than the eastern lowland gorillas . Adult males have more pronounced bony crests on the top and back of their skulls, giving their heads a more conical shape. These crests anchor the powerful temporal muscles which attach to the lower jaw (mandible). Adult females also have these crests, but they are less pronounced.Like all gorillas, they feature dark brown eyes framed by a black ring around the iris. Adult males are called silverbacks because a saddle of gray or silver-colored hair develops on their backs with age. The hair on their backs is shorter than on most other body parts, and their arm hair is especially long. Fully erect, males reach 1.7 m in height, with an arm span of 2.3 m and weigh 155 kg

After success trekking you will be rewarded with a certificate to congratulate you upon trekking Nyakagezi group,then your driver will take you back to your lodge for lunch and freshening from the jungle hustle.

Expectations.Gorillas.beautiful scenery for photography,certificate upon trekking gorillas.

Meal Plan: Full board

Accommodation Riverside Resort Hotel Kabale

Day5. Transfer back to Kampala

After Early breakfast,transfer back to kampala enroute Mbarara for lunch,stopover at kayabwe for Equator monument photography, then drop to your destination.

The coast of this package includes

4night accommodation,4breakfast,5lunch,full time water,park entrance,activity fee,gorilla permit,transport.

The coast of the package excludes

Personal needs,alcoholic drinks, extra meals,extra activities,Tips,laundry.

What to carry

-You can also carry a raincoat and boots since it might rain any time when going for gorilla trekking and chimpanzees,packed lunch,tip,insect repellents personal needs.


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