Central Cappadocia Tour with Vehicle

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 340 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Central Cappadocia Tour aka the Red Tour is the best way to start your Cappadocia adventure.

An appetizing first day experince with visits to the highlights such as Goreme Open Air museum for the perfectly preserved Frescoes and Icons of the early Crhristians and the go to Pasabag Valley aka the monks valley to walk through the fairy chimneys and experience the lifes of the hermits who lived there in seclusion . After this a visit to Devrent valley aka imagination valley to test your imagination with funny shapes of rock formations :-)

Lunch has to be genuine Anatolian and most of our guests just love the pottery kebap in Avanos by the red river. A visit to a local potetry manufacturer is optional but worth the effort to see the grand masters at work with traditions dating back to many centuries bc.


1) Pick up from hotel

2) General information about Cappadocia and the itinerary

3) Picture stop at Pigeon Valley

4) Pasabag valley. (fairy chimneys)

5) Devrent valley (rock formations)

6) Passing the Red River(Kızılırmak) to Avanos

7) Visit a local pottery shop

8) Lunch. (extra)

9) Goreme open air museum

10) Rose valley hike (optional)

11) Back to hotel


Meeting Point Options: Hotel

Duration: 8 hours

this can go up to 8 hours in mid summer or reduce to 6 hours in winter time


A mercedes sprinter van with air condition up to 19 people.


Professional and Licensed Guide

A Mercedes van with professional driver for up to 19 people

1 full day cappadocia tour


Parking fee(s)


Personal Expenses


Other: Entrance fee

Airport transfer





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