Yaounde City tour.

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 400 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Stunde

This will enable you to discover these beauty of Yaounde city popularly known as; the City of seven hills, discovering the hidden historical monuments like the Loraine cross, the Dr.Eugene Jamot, Chief Charles ATANGANA , reunification monument, the Our lady of victory Cathedral, the Basilica and a host of others, while passing through the Central Business District, viewing the high standing administrative buildings, briquiterie moslems quarters, then to modern quarter of bastos, visit of the Mvog-Betsi Zoo where some wildlife are presreved and protected by the Ministry of forestry and Nature protection,

with possibility of visiting a large virgin rock called Akok Ndoé Which will enable you to have a better view of the different mountains and different quarters in yaounde. Akok Ndoé is also a huge virgin gigantic rock on which it is worth breath taking , calm, with fresh natural breeze good for relaxation, inner silence and renewer.

picnic and photos .

Return to hotel, end of services .

Take note:

Price include the following;

*a bottle of water

* entrance fees,

air conditioner transportation + driver + fuel,

* Professional Guide.

The price does not include the following ;




-food. *If you will like to include sporting activities during your stay, do not hesitate to let me know so I include it in your tour package for a customized tour. We have a golf club here in Yaounde, Some big four diverse sport complexes .


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