Historical Sochi

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 180 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

Historical sights, beautiful panoramas, Caucasus restaurant

Dear ladies and gentlemen ! I'd like to invite you to a wonderful and informative private tour around the historical sights of Sochi.

We'll visit one of the historical sights built by Stalin's order. The beautiful Roman-style Observation tower on the top of the mountain Akhun, 2000ft above the sea level. We'll climb 224 steps but you'll be rewarded-the panorama over the city and the Greater Caucasus Ridge is just terrific!

We'll go to the most famous Caucasus restaurant in Sochi. Then we'll visit Stalin's Villa to touch and feel Soviet-time history and learn a lot about one of the most powerful leaders of the world! Walking in Grand Marina in Sochi downtown , along the seaside boulevard you'll enjoy a beautiful sea view and see one of the most significant historical sights of Sochi, the Seaport and its Empire-style architecture. It was designed by Stalin's favorite architect.Welcome to historical Sochi!


- Depart the hotel

- Walking city-tour

- Transfer to the top of the mountain. Climbing the observation tower (224 steps)

- Stalin's villa. excursion

- Transfer to the restaurant

- Restaurant

- Transfer to the hotel

- Arrive at hotel



1. Entrance fees to Stalin's villa

2. Entrance fees to the Observation tower

ESTIMATED LOCAL CASH NEEDED 800 russian ruble - That's the approximate amount 1 person will need to pay for a meal at the restaurant . Be ready to pay more or less)


WHAT'S INCLUDED: guide's service, transportation


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