09 Days/Mandalay- Bagan- Kalaw - Inle - Bago- Kyaikhityo -Yangon Trip

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 360 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 2 Tage

Start Time: Arrival time of your flight at Mandalay Airport

Pick up points: Your hotel/your suggested location/ Mandalay Airport

Day 01 Mandalay - Mingun sightseeing tours

Meet us at Mandalay International Airport and then drive to jetty for your boat trip to Mingun to visit the four biggest religious monuments there. Return to Mandalay to continue the city tour. Visit Shwe Kyaung, known as the golden palace monastery. Nearby is Kuthodaw with 729 marble slabs of the inscription. Watch the sunset at Mandalay hill. Stay overnight at your hotel in Mandalay.

Day 02 Mandalay – Bagan

Having breakfast, drive to Mahayat Muni Buddha, and the most revered Buddha image in Mandalay sitting in cross legs posture. Afterward, head to Amarapura and walk along the famous U Pein's bridge. Next, visit Maha Gandhayon teaching monastery and then drive to Bagan. Stay overnight there.

Day 03 Bagan temple tour

Start your sightseeing with a visit to the local market in Nyaung Oo. Highlights in Bagan are Shwezigon P, Ananda temple and Manuha Paya. Stop at Tharabha gate of Bagan old city.Then go to the local lacquer ware workshop. Stay overnight in Bagan.

Day 04 Bagan –Mt.Popa - Kalaw

After breakfast at your hotel, drive to Mount Popa. On the way, stop at a workshop at toddy palm and then continue to Popa. The shrine hall at the top offers visitors a panoramic view of Mountain and its surrounding plain when the weather is pleasant. Continue your trip to Kalaw. Stay overnight at your hotel in Kalaw.

Day 05 Kalaw soft trekking – Nyaung Shwe

Drive to the point at the outskirt of the town for soft trekking around Kalaw. Continue to Nyaung Shwe. On the way, stop at Shweinpin wooden monastery to see the beautiful wood carving. Stay overnight in Nyaung Shwe.

Day 06 Inle Lake and Indein boat tour

Transfer to the pier for your boat tour on Inle Lake. Visit some of the local workshops of Inle Lake such as silk weaving, Cheroot and boat making. The main attraction is Phaung Daw Oo Paya with five Buddha images. Then continue to Indein, a collection of the ruined stupa on the hill. Stop at Nga Pe Chaung old wooden monastery and then transfer to your hotel. Stay overnight in Nyaung Shwe.

Day 07 Nyaung Shwe – Yangon - Kyaikhtiyo

Transfer to the airport for your domestic flight to Yangon. After arriving at Yangon International airport, drive to Kyaikhtiyo(Kin Pun Basecamp). Stop at Bago (80 km,2 hours) to visit Kyaik Pun, Shwe Thar Laung reclining Buddha and Kanbawzathardi royal palace and Shwe Maw Daw Paya. Then continue to Kin Pun Basecamp. Stay overnight at Kin Pun.

Day 08 Kyaikhtiyo - Bago - Yangon

Take a public truck to the top of the mountain where Kyaikhtiyo is located. After visiting there, descend to base camp and drive to Yangon. In Yangon, visit the Scott market and then proceed to Chaukhtatgyi reclining Buddha and the most outstanding Shwe da gon Pagoda. Then transfer to your hotel. Stay overnight in Yangon.

Day 09 Yangon -International departure

After breakfast, transfer to Yangon airport for your international flight.


- Entrance tickets for sightseeing places and meals and drinks are not included

- Clients are responsible to arrange for the private/public transportation and accommodation arrangements

- The tour can be customizable according to your own needs.


The other expenses are

- Private car/ public bus tickets

- Entrance tickets.


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