Wonders of Tigre Delta

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Excursion to the Delta of the Parana River- At only 35 miles from Buenos Aires.

Listed on the Unesco s World Heritage. Sail the beautiful streams of the Parana river, on a catamaran enjoying the wonderful nature and the picturesque of the housess built on dozen island.

Join a lunch in Tigre City. We visit the craft and fruit market, and then we visit the most modern, chic and impressive comercial area of Nordelta with a fantastic view of its exclusive Bay where stands many Yachts.

Transportation is paid by the guests and it depends whether you prefer to get arrive there by train, or by boat.

In Tigre, we make a tour by car.

Is a full day trip.

I can take two guest in my car.. More than two guest we hire an extra car, I can arrange for this.

There s so many alternative to do in Tigre,

you can take a row tour, during the day, or enjoying a kayac tour below the moon.

Ask me for this possibilities.


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