Multi Days Up The River Gambia

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 600 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Tage

2-to-4 Day options

A journey of exploration that will transport you through over 250km of The Gambia’s ”Up Country” – an odyssey taking in the true life of the countryside provinces – the Real Gambia.

Day 1: The epic journey begins from your hotel, crossing by ferry from Banjul to Barra on the north bank of the Gambia River. From here, it is 4 to 6 hours driving time to Georgetown. Farafenni Market is our first stop , visiting on the busy weekly market day called LUMO, when locals from surrounding villages sell all the local commodities.

Our second stop will be at Baobolong Wetland, The Gambia’s largest nature reserve, to see, among other bird species, the Egyptian Plover, also known as the Crocodile Bird, famous for its unique relationship with crocs, who lie on the shore with their mouths open, into which the plovers fly to feed on bits of decaying meat that are lodged between their teeth.

Along the way, we will visit the ancient Wassu Stone Circles, a heritage site believed to be burial mounds of kings and chiefs in ancient times - over 1,200 years old and dated to between 750-1000 AD. Local legend has it that there is a curse on anyone who disturbs those laid to rest there!

From here, we head to our ferry crossing from Lamin Koto to Georgetown, so named by the British, as it was used as a trading post and a place of settlement for the free slaves.

The day ends with an overnight stay at Baobolong Camp. We also have the opportunity to enjoy an evening stroll around the village and to explore the old town and its unique environment.

Day 2: After breakfast, we board our river boat trip to Gambia National Park, established in 1978, to see the wonderful and varied bird life and Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Project, through which chimps confiscated from the illegal animal trade are reintroduced into the wild in the park.

Please note that for the protection of the animals and visitors, entry onto the islands is not permitted. We may also have the opportunity to sight increasingly rare Hippos along the river towards Kuntaur. We return to Georgetown for our second overnight stay at Baobolong Camp.

Day 3 - Following breakfast in Georgetown, we start our drive along the south bank of The Gambian River towards Tendaba Camp in the lower river region.

Tendaba is a small fishing village located 150km from the coast of Banjul and the camp, founded in 1970, is one of the best known up-country venues in The Gambia.

The Tendaba region is characterised by a broad tidal river bed, savannah swamp and mangroves. It is ideal for eco-tourists interested in both wildlife and birds. Species include the sacred ibis, marabou storks, blue-breasted kingfisher and herons.

On our arrival at Tendaba Camp, there will be an opportunity to relax at the poolside, ahead of a 2-3hr afternoon boat trip taking in Kissi and Tunku Creeks, where we will see lots of birdlife, also possibly bush pigs, crocodiles and Nile monitors. We return to the camp for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 4 - After breakfast in Tendaba, the experience continues with a visit to Kiang West National Park, covering an area of 11,526 hectares and one of the largest and most important wildlife reserves in The Gambia, with more than 300 bird species, along with a multitude of mammals and reptiles.

We then begin our drive along the south bank of the river to the western region of The Gambia, stopping off at Bintang Bolong Lodge, located in the heart of a mangrove forest, where visitors can experience the exceptional flora and fauna of brackish wetlands.

As the flood retreats, the receding waterline exposes countless creatures such as crabs and mudskipper caught in the sludge of the riverbed.

The restaurant terrace atBintang Bolong Lodge offers a unique opportunity to observe the diverse wildlife in and around the river.

In the evening, apes and vultures inhabit the Baobab trees, and after dusk great colonies of fruit bats can be seen swarming into the night. Look out too for flying fish and numerous types of bird species. With a little luck, you might just catch a glimpse of pelicans and passing dolphins.

We then make the return journey to your hotel, although a further overnight stay cane be arranged in required.


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