Banteay Srei, Beng Mealea and Rolous Group

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 197 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

• Departure: Early morning

• Return: Evening

• Sites you will visit: Banteay Srei, Beng Mealae, Bakong, Lolei, Preah Ko

• Highlights: Intricate pink sandstone carvings, countryside, Angkor Capital, architecture, history

This tour highlights temples located a little further beyond the main Angkor Archaeological Park.

In the morning you will travel to a small temple of Banteay Srei well known for its beautiful delicate carvings in warm pink sandstone. This late 10th century temple is fairly compact and very different from other Angkorian temples.

Once in a complete state of disrepair resembling a giant jigsaw puzzle, our next stop - Beng Mealea, has recently been made more accessible with the addition of a wooden walkway throughout the structure assuring a safe access and slight elevation, thus a better view. This mid 12th century temple features mixture of Buddhism and Hinduism attributes and is particularly mesmerising in the wet season.

In the afternoon you will head through picturesque countryside back towards Siem Reap stopping at

the late 9th century Hindu temples Bakong, Lolei and Preah Ko which are collectively known as the Rolous Temple Group. Explore the early capital of Angkor and let your guide show you the most attractive sites in this location, the most impressive being the pyramid-like Bakong surrounded by moat still containing water today. To finish off your day you may wish to briefly visit Lolei temple with its four brick towers on a double laterite platform.


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