Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 30 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

Discover Barcelona from a different point of view booking our private bike tour with a multilingual guide. This is a super, alternative and original way to enjoy Barcelona by bike with your friends, family and mates. It is a unique occasion to visit the city as a local discovering artworks and masterpieces that are out of the traditional tourist bike tours.

You will ride our yellow bike from the meeting point in Carrer Notariat 6, through the Gothic Quarter admiring the the Roman gate and wall, theCathedral of Barcelona, toward Plaza S. Isidre Nonell. Already from the square you can preview what you are about to see: an enormous kiss capable of illuminating the whole street. It is a photo-mosaic mural called “The world begins with every  kiss” by J. Fontcuberta.  This masterpiece it is composed by a daily life small fragments. Then crossing the narrow street of the Gothic Quarter you will reach Plaza S. Jaume the political and administrative heart of the city, from here you can easily ride to the nearest lovely little Plaza S. Miquel where stand the contemporary Monumento a los Castellersrealized by A. Llena i Font. Riding the bike down along carrer Ferran you will get inside Plaza Real with its characteristic lanterns designed by the Catalan Modernist architect Antoni Gaudi. In this plaza there are many restaurants and some of the city’s most famous nightclubs including Karma, Jamboree and the Sidecar. Then, crossing the Raval neighborhood via carrer S. Pau where is the old Marsella bar, the first bar in Barcelona frequented by Dalí, Picasso, Gaudí, Hemingway, and many other famous artists, you will ride towards the Rambla of Raval to admire the greatest sculpture of F. Botero El Gato.  Then you will reach the old Modernist S. Antoni Market; you will ride on till Plaza Universitat where in the its north-western side lies the New-Gothic main campus. The plaza is very popular between the skaters and it is also surrounded by a number of shops and restaurants. From here, via carrer Tallers, a street with over 700 years of history that has become a meeting point for the “rebels”, it is the “underground “ heart of Barcelona; before coming back in our meeting point  you will have a break tasting a good glass of wine in an atelier of the new young bohemian artist of the city. (If available)


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