Full Day Tour to Delphi,Arachova and Distomo

Sprache Englisch, Griechisch
Kosten 280 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Visit the center of the ancient universe with a professional driver.

n this amazing full day tour you will see the most beautiful sights and senery. On our way I will give you a lot of information about history, mythology and culture.

We will enjoy a visit to Delphi, novel of the world,the breathtaking Arachova and the heroic Village of Distomo where SS kill 251 greek civilians.I can adjust the schedule, duration and activities to meet your needs. Please let me know of any special requests you have.

We will Drive through the beautiful stone villages of Arachova where we'll be able to stop so that you can take photos and buy souvenirs.

After a wonderful scenic drive through mountains and fertile valleys we reach Delphi, located under the 3000ft tall mountain Parnassos. There we will visit the Archaeological museum of Delphi, we will see the Archaeological site of Delphi and the site of the temple of Apollo.

Meeting Point + Tour Duration

Meeting Point Options: Rail or Bus Station, Cruise Ship Port, Airport, Hotel, Address or Intersection

Duration: 7-8 hours


Mercedes E 200 class(sendan), that is 3 years old with a full insurance coverage.

Clean and Air-conditioned, with Wi-Fi (Free internet).

Up to 3-4 customers.

What’s Included

- Guiding Services

- Private Transportation

*Soft drinks, candy and a snack.

*Also is included a coffee in a local coffee shop.

*Liability insurance per person

***In the End of our Tour a Great Souvenir Gift is included.!!***

What’s Extra

-Personal Expenses


-tickets are extra


-I am not a licensed guide.

-I do not have a license to give tours inside of monuments and historical places.


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