Day tour to Ancient Olympia,Kaiadas,Temple of Apollo,Ancient Sparta and Mycenae

Sprache Englisch, Griechisch
Kosten 650 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 14 Stunden

**This tour Starts from Athens**

**The Final prices Are per group not per person**

Are you ready for this amazing tour?

In this amazing full day tour you will see the most beautiful sights and scenery. On our way I will give you a lot of information about history, mythology and culture.

We will have the opportunity to visit some of the most majestic archaelogical sites of Greece, such as Ancient Olympia, cave of Kaiadas, Temple of Epicurian Apollo, Ancient Sparta and Mycenae.

I can adjust the schedule, duration and activities to meet your needs. You are welcome to inform us on any special requests you have.


Visitors will have the opportunity to see up close the site of the Ancient "Sacred Forrest" which was the name of Ancient Olympia. Built on the North riverbank of Alfeios, it consists one of the greatests World Heritage sites (UNESCO), as well as an icredible natural landscape that evolved to the biggest religious sanctuary of the Ancient World.

Afterwards, we will visit the cave of Kaiadas. It was a pit or underground cavern at Sparta, into which state-prisoners or their corpses were thrown. We are going to see its majestic landscape and do a peregrination.

Then we'll go to the temple of Epicurian Apollo. At an altitude of 1130 meters between Ilia, Arcadia and Messinia, it resists one of the most important and best preserved monuments of ancient Greece.

We visit the ancient city of Sparta, where we will see its Acropolis, its ancient Theater and some Roman-era houses.

And last, but not least, we visit the most important and richest palace center of the Late Bronze Age in Greece, Mycenae.

Meeting Point + Tour Duration

Meeting Point Options: Rail or Bus Station, Cruise Ship Port, Airport, Hotel, Address or Intersection, Monument/Building, Suggested by Guide: We can pick our customers up from wherever they want inside the region of Athens.

Duration: 14 hours


Mercedes E class(sendan), that is 2 years old with a full insurance coverage.

Clean and Air-conditioned, with Wi-Fi (Free internet).

Up to 3-4 customers.

What’s Included

Guiding Services

Private Transportation

Other: -When we return in Athens, we will provide our travelers with a dinner at a local restaurant. The menu will be 1 main dish with variety of meats(each),salad(for all),some sauces and a drink(each).

-All fees and taxes are included.

-Bottled water


-Private transportation.

*liability insurance for each participant

Also is included a coffee in a local coffee shop.

***In the End of our Tour a Great Souvenir Gift is included.!!***

Estimated Local Cash Needed

30 Euro - Entrances to the monuments.

The Price is Per Person

What’s Extra

Personal Expenses


Other: Tickets For the Monuments are Not included in the basic price of the tour.


-I am not a licensed guide.

-I do not have a license to give tours inside of monuments and historical places.


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