Along the lost river, Latin Quarter, Left Bank.

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 160 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

In this 2:30/3-h walking tour, you will experience the best of the medieval Paris, you will understand why the second Parisian river disappeared and why this district is called ''the Latin Quarter''.

You will learn about the manufacture of Gobelin (which made France famous in the world), the beginnings of the French University and the love story of the 12th century (as famous as that of Romeo and Juliet), you will discover remarkable monuments, stunning Gothic churches, Parisian landmarks, Roman roads & ruins, even a torture chamber, right downtown !

You will stroll narrow cobbled streets, see where the American author Hemingway lived and you will enjoy the colourful atmosphere of a street market, following on the path of a lost river, which could have been seen in Paris until the last century. Surprise! The river still exists beneath the asphalt, you just don’t see it.

Meeting point : Place Saint-Michel, in front of the Fontaine Saint-Michel.


(2) Shakespeare & Company, the famous English Parisian Bookstore, opened by American Sylvia Beach in 1919, a century ago, a gathering place for writers such as Hemingway, James Joyce and many others.

(3) The Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre Church, dating back to the 13th century

(4) The Panthéon, an example of neoclassicism from the 18th century, a tribute to the Roman architecture

(5) The Library Sainte Geneviève (the model used by McKim for the Boston Public Library in USA. The American architect graduating from Harvard, studied architecture at the École-des Beaux-Arts in Paris)

(6) Church of Saint-Etienne du Mont

(7) The Clovis Bell Tower, The College Henri IV and the ''little Athens''.

(8) The animated Rue and Marché Mouffetard and the story of Goblins.

When the market is close you will see instead: (9) « Arènes de Lutèce », the Roman Ruins, an Archaeological Site, where gladiators once fought, and passing through (10) « Jardins des Plantes » (the Botanical Garden), you will see the Grande Mosque of Paris, a masterpiece of Moorish style.

End of the walking tour. Tour about 3,5/4 km Km.


- Tour available from March 2021.

- * exterior visit (view from outside).

- This is a moderate tour, not a light one, that involves 3 hours walk and eventually few staircases.

- I also offer 100% customised tours, scheduled at your convenience.

- For pick-up a group from the hotel, please inquire.

- The tour doesn't end where it begins. To get back to the starting point, you need subway L7 or L10, 2€ per person one way, Uber/Taxi 6€ / 10€, on your own. Transportation isn't included in the tour.

- The market is closed Mondays and Sunday afternoon. These days I will show you the Great Mosque of Paris (Moorish architecture) or/and Arènes de Lutèce (Roman ruins) if you wish.

- Discounts and free for children, please contact me.


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