2-Day Yogyakarta Tour

Sprache Englisch, Indonesisch
Kosten 255 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

A two-day trip in Yogyakarta, visiting the most important places:

- Sultan's Palace and Water Castle;

- Ullen Sentalu - Javanese Culture Museum;

- Sunrise at Borobudur Temple;

- Sunset at Prambanan Temple;

- Volcano tour on jeep at Merapi Mountain.

What’s Included

- My time and service as your private guide and driver for two days;

- Private AC transportation for two days incl. gasoline and parking fees;

- Entrance Fees to the Sultan's Palace, Water Castle, Mendut, Plaosan temples;

- Breakfast at Manohara Restaurant (included in your entrance ticket to Borobudur Sunrise);

- Souvenirs from Borobudur Sunrise (included in your entrance ticket to Borobudur Sunrise);

- Hand sanitizer, extra masks, and wipes are available during the tour;

- Wi-Fi/Internet connection in the car;

- Daily 600 ml Bottled Water.


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