Panoramic Martinique Island Tours

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 55 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Discover Martinique's heritage in charming Fort-de-France Capital City with a walking tour to visit the Cathedral Saint-Louis, continue through The Spices Market and finally at The Schoelcher Library .

Delight in the panoramic vistas and Parisian feel at the mini-replica of the iconic Sacred Heart Basilica, which overlooks Fort-de-France.    arrive at the Church of Balata, which is a mini-replica of the Sacré Coeur Basilica in Paris. Capture images of the white cathedral and step inside to see its beautiful simplicity and spectacular dome. You can also capture more magnificent scenes when you observe the stunning panoramic views of Fort-de-France. 

Your motocoach will then travel inland and climb tropical rainforest mountain roads that twist and turn on the La Trace Road Bamboo, ferns, palms, and forest plant appear along the roadside on your drive. As you descend the steep mountain and return to the city of Saint -Pierre you'll see the Alma River and The Saut Gendarme Waterfall.

You will arrive at the base of the volcano, enjoy the bay views from a venerable rum-distillery along with some Agricole -Rum made from sugar-cane juice.

Then continue to the extreme part of the island on a black sand beach in front of the Caribbean sea with a Local juice . Free -Time .

 St. Pierre, the former cultural-economic capital destroyed by Mount Pelee and rebuilt. Visit the ruins of the 1902 volcano eruption that dramatically changed the island when you will visit the ruins of the theater and the prison .


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