Sprache Amharisch, Englisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Full day city tour itenenary

Harer morning. 9:00

After break fast we began our looking the old walled city of harer which registered in unesco in 2005 . and the five gates of the city , the color full market shewa market near to show gate and the first and oldest mosque in harer which build during 11 century awmeshed mosque

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After noun 2 :

Inside the wall

We began our tour walking through the 6 THE gates of harer duke gate . inside the wall we look oldest mosques ,shrine , tombs biggest market , endogenous hareri homes oldest more than 400 years museums there is more than 360 narrow ways and I can show u all detail things in side the wall

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In evening the hyena man

Near to fellan gate the hyena man of harer feeding hyenas that gather nightly out side of the town u can feed them yourself ,holding the meat stick in your hands our mouth .

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Cost include

• Professional tour guide

• All Thickets


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