Sprache Englisch, Türkisch
Kosten 300 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

We start the tour from the old city of North Nicosia which is the only capital divided of the island. Kyrenia Gate, Venetian Column and Buyuk Han are what we'll see in Nicosia. We shall have a coffee break in the old streets of walled city of Nicosia where we strech our legs. We than hop into the car and drive to Morphou. This place is full of citrus gardens. St. Mamas church will be the first stop at this region. We'll also visit the Archeological Museum which is next to the church. The Swan Mosaic dating back to 4th century is in Soli Ancient City. Also the theatre and other mosaics will be seen. We'll have time to explore this place while we drive to Lefka. Its one of the nicest places which is on the slopes of Troodos Mountain range in North Cyprus. You will have free time for lunch. This tour is ideal to see the different sights of the island on a limited time.

* The tour will depart from Nicosia or Kyrenia. If you want to join in from other city there will be an extra transportation cost.

* Museum entrance ticket and lunch are extra.


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