Almaty Walking Food tour

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 95 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Stunden

This is an ideal trip to fully enjoy the atmosphere of our city and see all the significant sights of Almaty in only 3 hours. Fill you eyes and heart with the people and sites of Kazakhstan. Enjoy a delicious Kazakh meal, and spend time tasting many Kazakh traditional foods in the famous Green Market.

Duration: 3 hours. This tour is available morning or afternoon

Route: Theatre of Opera and Ballet - Panfilov Pedestrian street – Central Square – Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen – Ascension cathedral - Monument of Glory – Museum of musical instruments – “Rahat” Chocolate factory - Green market

Meeting point: Your hotel

During the tour you will:

Get acquainted with the history and traditions of our country through the stories of your knowledgeable guide;

Experience the life of local people as you walk among them;

Have a delicious traditional Kazakh lunch in a quaint local café;

Sample various oriental sweets and foods while chatting with local merchants in the famous Green Market, which was a stop on the original silk road passage;

Taste some of the Best chocolate in the world. A visit to Rahat factory store enables all to have fresh and delicious chocolate, candies and cookies of all kinds, including many souvenirs, yes, made out of chocolate! The factory isn’t hard to find, with the aroma of wonderful chocolate inviting you to come even from half a kilometer away


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