Issyk lake

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 140 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

Do you want to see a lake that competes with its beauty with bright blue of the sky? Then book this tour!

Duration: 1 day; (pick up at 8:00 drop off at 17:00)

Route: Almaty – Issyk city (90km) – Issyk lake - Almaty

The meeting point: We will pick you up from your Almaty hotel and return you to your hotel after the tour

During the tour you will:

admire crystal clear lake and powerful waterfall;

see the Saka warrior’s armor (IV-V cc BC) – the symbol of Kazakhstan in the Museum of Golden man;

take a walk through alpine meadows and coniferous forests till Tourgen waterfall


08:00 – Departure from Almaty to Issyk town

09:00- Issyk town. Museum of a Golden man.

09:30- 10:30 Issyk lake

10:30-11:30 Return trip to Amaty


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