Rainbow Mountain hike + Red Valley 1 Day

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

The Vilcabamba range of mountain where the RAINBOW MOUNTAIN AND RED VALLEY is located, it is huge area to the southeast of Cusco, it is a very important section of the Andes Cordillera, this is one of the mountain range in Peru that has the highest concentration of snowy peaks, this creates beautiful high Andean landscapes with vast snow-capped mountains and large glaciers, which in their thaws make to appear beautiful lagoons, lakes, nice valleys. Nowadays with the passage of time many of these summits are completely uncovered of snow and they show a special natural pigment of the rock that together with some minerals and the special color of the soil of this place creates beautiful mountain, they are very striking by the colors they show, these together with the local people who are mainly breeders of Alpacas and Llamas will make this tour in an unforgettable experience, breathe deeply and live the 5020 meters of “Vinicunca” (The rainbow Mountain).


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