Gaudí – The Park Güell Tour

Sprache Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 160 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Stunde

This tour is dedicated to visit the only park designed by Gaudí in Barcelona, the Park Güell, unfinished project of a garden suburb by Antoni Gaudí financed by Eusebi Güell.The park brings together all the characteristic features of modernism and the architect’s own particular vision (sinuous and organic shapes, integration with nature, broken tile mosaics). Opened to the public in 1922 was declared World’s Heritage by Unesco in 1984.

What's included Entrance tickets and skip the line in Park Güell

Meeting point

The tour will start on time. Please arrive 15 minutes before.


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