SIENA SPECIAL: the Cathedral and the City Hall museum

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 200 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

This specific tour will deepen your experience in Siena. We will focus on the two highlights of the city: the Duomo (cathedral) and the main square with the beauty of the civic museum. You will enjoy frescoes from the 1330's as well as the masterpieces by the most talented masters. It will be a real step back into the old times of the MiddleAges. Discover with your private guide the stories and the details hidden in these places. There is so much more to it!

Let's meet in Piazza del Campo (main square) and after a short introduction to the history of Siena and the wonders that surround you, we will enter the civic museum inside the town hall. It is incredibly perfectly preserved and the frescoes, atmosphere and colors will surely charme you. You will feel like one of the rulers of noble Siena in the XIV century!

Then we head to the Duomo and admire one of the greatest masterpieces in Italy! The church and its incredible floor will be a lifetime memory!

We will end the tour enjoying a refreshing gelato or an icy glass of white wine!

The price is total for the tour and NOT per person.

Write me for other details, I will be happy to custom your special day with me!


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