Discover Hamedan City: Iran’s Ancient Capital

Sprache Azerbaijani, Englisch
Kosten 149 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

Know in the old times as Ecbatana, Hamadan was one of the ancient world’s greatest cities. Because of that, this city is rich of ancient sights and certainly worth it visiting!

Join us on this tour to explore this ancient city and discover what it offers to its visitors.

We Move from Qom, and visit all below items and stay for 1 night at a local home(with a delicious local dinner) in Hamedan and then come back to Qom

1- Ali Sadr Cave

2-The shrine of Esther and Mordecai

3-Ganjnameh Inscriptions

4-Ibn-e Sina Tomb

5-Tomb of Baba Taher

6-Hegmataneh Hill

7-Gonbad Alavian

8-old Bazaar


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