18 Days Ghana Cross Country Excursion.

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 4300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 4 Tage

Trip Plan.

This 18 Days Ghana Cross Country Tour, is carefully packaged for you to cover interesting Tourists Attractions in Ghana.

The starting point for this tour is Accra, after which you will visit many interesting places in the country. Monkey sanctuaries will be visited, visit National Parks, Waterfalls, the Ashanti Kingdom, Beaches and Traditional Villages, Slave Castles and Markets, and some more places.

You will have fun at Cultural Centers, visit the Hippo Sanctuary, the Sirigu Pottery and many more interesting activities will be done for your entertainment. Get ready for a great Adventure.

Day 1 …… Arrival in Accra, Ghana.

(AKWAABA – Welcome).

Day 2….. Accra City Tour.

Day 3….. Shai Hills Resource Reserve, Akosombo Dam,Volta River.

Day 4….. Wli Waterfalls, Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary.

Day 5…… Tamale City Tour.

Day 6……. Mole National Park.

Day 7…… Mole National Park.

Day 8…… Mognori Eco-village.

Day 9…… Mole National Park, Sirigu Pottery Village, Paga Crocodile Pond.

Day 10…… Gwollu Slave Wall, Gbele Resource Reserve, Ancient Mosque.

Day 11…… Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary, Lobi Tribe, Kumasi.

Day 12……. Kumasi City Tour, Manhyia Palace, Komfo Anokye Sward Site, Prempeh II Museum, Kejetia Market.

Day 13…… Cape Coast Castle, Elmina Castle, Fort San Jago.

Day 14…… Kakum National Park, Stainless Bee Center – Crocdile Pond.

Day 15….. Nzulezo Stilt Village.

Day 16….. Axim Beach, Bobowasi Island.

Day 17….. Busua Beach Day.

Day 18……. Accra, Departure.

Tour Concludes.


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