Berber Village 3 Days Hiking Atlas Mountains

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 245 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Day One Marrakech - ImiGhlad - Tinghorine

eparture from Marrakech at 8am, Tahnaouet: town & commune and capital of Al Houz Province of the Marrakech-Safi, Ghighaya valley, Moulay Brahim canyon road, Asni: small town in foothills of the high Atlas Mountains then Imi Ghlad village. 1h20mn drive. Trek departure point at 9.30am in Imi Ghlad village at 1430m, Imlil river in Ait Mizzan valley, climbing Col Tizi El Bor at 1650m, Imsker village at 1600m, Imnane valley & river, Arg village at 1700m, Amssakrou village at 1820m, Ikiss village at 1850m, overnight in Tinghorine village at 1900m. Camping in private field in tents or in Berber guest house.

Day Two Tinghorine - Matat - Idissa

Tinghrine village at 1900m, Imnane River, climbing Col Tizi Aguersioual at 2100m, Aguersioual village at 1650m, Matat village at 1800m, climb col Tizi Matat at 2000m, overnight in Idissa at 1800m in Azaden valley in tents next to the river or in the village in a guest house.

Day Three Idissa - T.Tacht- Marrakech

Idissa village at 1800m, Tizi Zagaghen village at 1760m, Tizziane village at 1750m, Tahliouine village at 1800m, crossing the national park forest, climbing col Tizi-n-Tacht at 1998m, ending the trek in Imi-ghlad village at 1430m. Driving back to Marrakech 1h20mn drive. .


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