Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Kosten 285 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

After breakfast at your hotel, you will meet your guide, drive to the Kilimanjaro National Park Gate (about 1 hour), register and commence your 1 Day Kilimanjaro Hike

1 Day Kilimanjaro Hike to Mandara Hut and back to park gate

Walkthrough the rainforest to the Mandara encampment. A side trip to Maundi Crater is a good way to see the surroundings including the view of Kibo and Mawenzi Peaks, Underground water Lake Chala, Northern Tanzania, and Kenya,. In the rainforest, look for towering Eucalyptus trees, birdlife, and Colobus monkeys.

After lunch, hike back to the park gate and drive back to Moshi.

Elevation: 1860m/6100ft to 2700m/8875ft

Distance: 8km/5mi

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours up / 2-3 hours down

Habitat: Montane Forest


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