Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch
Kosten 70 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Your driver will come to pick you up at your hotel and drive you at Materuni village which will take 45 minutes to get there. Once you reach the village you will start your coffee tour at a traditional Chagga 'shamba'.

Your guide will explain all aspects of the Chagga homestead including the other crops that they grow aside from coffee. You will get to see how the coffee is produced- from picking the bean to roasting and then make a delicious organic cup of coffee yourself. Following your coffee tour you will then take a short hike (make sure to wear some sport or Mountain boot, shoes as it can be muddy up there), passing through local villages to reach the waterfalls. Here you will have your picnic lunch box. Following lunch, you will have the opportunity to take a dip in the refreshing (quite cold!) pools beneath the waterfalls. When you have had your fill of this beautiful place you can start walking back to where we will meet our driver and drive you back to your hotel

Waterfalls (quite cold!)

Explore the beautiful nature of the slope of Mount Kilimanjaro. Enjoy the view of Mount Kilimanjaro and rest in the beautiful nature and peace of this magnificent natural site, the music from the waterfalls and radiant colors of the valley transform our inner and outer environment.


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