Full-day Rhino Tracking In Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary & Kampala City Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 280 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Full-day Rhino Tracking In Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

- Meet your tour guide at your hotel in Kampala / Entebbe and drive to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary for a guided white rhino tracking on foot for an hour.

- Visit Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary which opened in 2006. The sanctuary combines a cattle farm with conservation aspects, providing a safe home to Uganda’s only rhinos.

- Upon arrival, you will proceed to the Visitor centre for registration and look at the information display before meeting the ranger who will give you an informative talk about the sanctuary and its inhabitants. The ranger is in radio contact with the monitoring ranger group.

- You will drive up close to where the rhinos currently are and continue on foot through the bush.

- You can approach the giants/rhinos up to 30 meters which will give you an excellent moment for great pictures. Further animals that can be seen on the premises include the rare Shoebill Storks, bushbucks, leopards, Uganda Kob, oribi, and other wildlife present at the ranch.

- After a successful trek, have lunch at the sanctuary and then start your journey back to Kampala/Entebbe for a drop off. If you come back early, you may enjoy a short Kampala city tour


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