3 Day tour Around Bishkek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 360 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage



Day 1: Bishkek - Burana Tower - Lake Issyk Kul

We'll pick you from Plaza Hotel Bishkek at 10 am. From there we'll make a journey of approximately one and a half hours in the direction of the famous Burana Tower.

When we get there, we'll start exploring the area to learn about its history.

After having explored the Burana Tower and its enigmatic balbals, we'll climb back into the vehicle and set off for Cholpon-Ata. Horse riding in Cholpon-Ata in the northern part of Lake Issyk-Kul, the second-largest alpine lake in the world. On the way, we'll stop at a local restaurant for a delicious buffet lunch.

Once there, we'll leave our belongings at the hotel and go out to explore the area to see the beautiful views of the lake. Also, you can swim. Afterwards, we'll return to the accommodation to have dinner and rest until the next day. Over night Talisman Village Hotel


Day 2: Lake Issyk-Kul

Issyk-Kul Lake is surrounded by many interesting sights, including Stone garden with petroglyphs dating back to the 2000 B.C - 4th century A.D and the cultural center "Ruh-Ordo" with an old chapel to honor four confessions of the world. visit an open air museum of petroglyphs in Cholpon-Ata and we will show you a famous Eagle hunter that lives around 15 km from Cholpon-Ata. Free time near the lake. Over night Talisman Village Hotel

Day 3. 19.08.2021

In the morning at 10 am we will drive from Issyk Kul lake to Bishkek.

- Drive to city centre Ala Too squire.

- Visit Kyrgyz State Museum and see the guards at the flag and hero Manas.

- Walking in the park to Opera House, Art and fine museum and flame the victory park. There are some souvenir shops we will visit.

- Drive to Always lively authentic market "Osh bazaar". This is a great market to see and walk, Bazaar has huge choice for souvenirs and Kyrgyz Traditional, national clothes and carpets. gives you a lot impressions.

- After the market drive to " Ethno-complex Supara and visit Supara museum and have a diner in Supara Kyrgyz Traditional foods. After diner we will back to your hotel. Smart Hotel Bishkek

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