Ghana 17 Days Birding Tours.

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 4000 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen 3 Tage

Birding Tour Plan.

This Unique Ghana 17 Days Birding Tours, carefully packaged to cover the most outstanding birding sites for a variety of Upper Guinea Endemics Species of Birds in Ghana.

You will scan Kakum National Park, the leading destination for Birdwatching in Ghana, to enjoy canopy dwelling forest species.

You will enjoy the primary target of your trip, the Yellow Headed Picathartes (White-Necked Rockfowl), and watching these magnificent birds coming in to their roost, is likely to be one of the highlights of any birder’s career.

Further explore the Broad-Leaved Guinea Woodlands of Mole National Park for its amazing Savannah species.

Day 1… Arrival in Accra Ghana.

Day 2… Shai Hills Reserve – Sakumono Lagoon – Winneba Plains.

Day 3 – 5… Kakum National Park (Canopy Walkway), Abrafo Forest, Antwikwaa Forest, Twifo Praso and Surroundings.

Day 5 – 6… Nsuta Reserve Forest.

Day 7… Ankasa Rain Forest.

Day 8… Ankasa Forest – Brenu Beach Road.

Day 9… Abrafo Forest – Picathartes Site.

Day 10… Opuro Forest – Egyptian Plover Site.

Day 11 – 12… Mole National Park.

Day 13… Mole National Park – Tongo Hills.

Day 14… Tono Dam – White Volta.

Day 15… Nasia Wetland – Kumasi.

Day 16… Bobiri Forest & Butterfly Sanctuary.

Day 17 – 18… Atewa Range Forest Reserve – To Accra – To the Airport.

Tour Concludes.

Book This Ghana 17 Days Birding Tours to Explore Upper Guinea Endemics of West Africa Today.


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