Four days Amboseli adventure

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 870 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Tage

First day

Our guide picking up you from the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and driving at Giraffe Center. It’s a popular place, where we can feed animals.

Second day

Departing at Amboseli National Park. Some facts: it’s a worldwide ecosystem park, protects two main swamps. Amboseli located near Kilimanjaro mountain, so view will be magnificent.

Safari continues until afternoon, then going to the lodge and dinner.

Third day

Breakfast and going to Tsavo East National Park. We have two safari this day, until lunch and after that. Our lodge staying in a middle of park, so it’s a right place to lunch, dinner and for rest.

Four day

Starting day with morning safari . After departing at Diani – beach, where we finishing our journey.


- Off-road 4x4 Safari Jeep

- A professional guide

- Meals and drinking water(as specified in the day-by-day section)

- Park fees

- Accommodation

- All transportations

Not includes:

- International flights

- Alcohol and non alcohol drinks

- Visa fees

- Tips

- Insurance policy

- Additional flights and excursions.

Take with you:

- Long sleeve shirt

- A couple of t-shirts ( 1per day )

- Nylon pants

- Shorts

- Swimwear (swimming pool in hotel/lodge)

- Headdress (out of the sun)

- Adapter Europlug Type

- Mosquito repellent.


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