Romantic tour in Luxembourg

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
Kosten 387 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Stunden

An exclusive tour for all the romantics of the world! Together with the professional local guide, you will visit the most romantic places in the city. Why is Le Chemin de la Corniche” also called “the most beautiful balcony of Europe”? You will feel spellbound in a charming atmosphere. What is considered as one of the best places to have a date in the city? Where can you make lovely photos? You will be surprised how many historical love stories are hidden in the streets, buildings, parks of the city. From heartbreaking and tragic, to the hilarious or spicy ones. This tour is especially recommended in the Saint Valentine period!


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